Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 is almost over!

Hello there!

I was thinking of making a review of what it has been this year like for The Fray, but they haven't been much online and there haven't been many news from them. They went on tour last summer and they started writing their new record but that's basically it - there's not much more to say!

However, I've been thinking and I've just realized that this is the third year this blog is active because I created it in 2013, so this blog is being here for a pretty long while. Also the blog is really close to 15K reads which is so sick - thank you so much guys ^-^ 

I didn't quite know what to do this post about, but I wanted to make it somehow important since it's the last one of the year and I felt like it had to be special. Checking my YouTube playlists I found some videos that gave me a cool idea: sharing with you songs that The Fray has played live but were never officially released. 

The songs I found or could remember about were three: The Fall, Scars & Stories and Think It Over. The three of them are very beautiful songs that I personally hope that someday the guys make into a studio version - who knows? 

By the way, I hope you guys had a wonderful year and that the next year is awesome for y'all - happy new year! My best wishes xx

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