Sunday, December 22, 2013

The story of The Fighter

Hello! What’s up? Today, I’m going to tell you the story behind another Fray song: The Fighter. First of all, the song was released in 2012, and belongs to the album: Scars & Stories. This song is kind of peculiar, just saying. And that’s because the song is probably the unique Fray song which was first started by seeing a picture.
The song was written by both Isaac Slade and Joe King, as usual. As Isaac Slade adds, he saw a picture of a boxing fight in a newspaper, and from there it all came. In the picture, there was a boxer fallen in the fight, and a girl surprised of seeing his man fallen and another boxer, which was like: “I didn’t mean to kill him”. After that, Isaac put on the piano the picture and started writing the song. Anyway, he started writing the song as if the boxer was fighting with his doubts; as Isaac says: “It’s a scary thing to face your doubts, especially in a relationship”. Then, Isaac also adds this: “I think it’s just like if you don’t face death, you can’t really live. If you don’t face divorce, you can’t really stay married. It’s not an ‘I do’, and then you’re set. It’s an ‘I do’, everyday. And when those doubts come in you can’t stuff them, you can cram them, ignore them, but they’re like hungry dogs in the basement clamoring to get out. So what I meant to communicate was that doubts are ok. Struggling in a relationship is ok. Wondering if there’s somebody better is ok. Because then you choose to stay, instead of shrugging your shoulders, saying it’s good enough. If you carry those doubts secretly hidden in the corner of your chest, they’ll kill you. They’ll kill everything, man. But if you kind of bring them out in the open and talk about them and sort through them and figure out where they’re coming from and face them, it’s scary sometimes; sometimes the marriage ends or the relationship ends, but sometimes you stay married for the rest of your life and it’s real”. These are the words of Isaac Slade who said that in an interview. 
        To conclude, the song has a quote which really reflects what Slade said: “What breaks your bones is not the load you’re carrying, what breaks you down is all in how you carry it”, and Joe King added also some things about that: “we all have something that we’re inevitable going to be carrying with us, but how you carry it is the difference. I think that if you carry it in front of you or behind you or if you’re carrying everything, the point of how you’re actually carrying your load is all the difference. I have stuff that I’m carrying that I’ll carry the rest of my life. Not that they’re bad, but I have them here. They’re almost like good things now that I’m carrying with me from the destruction”. This was also said in the same interview as Isaac’s last paragraph, but this was said by Joe. 

Well, I guess there’s not anything more to say about this song. Here you can watch a video for the song posted in The Fray’s channel, I don’t know if it’s considered official or not anyway… 

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